Thursday, April 2, 2009

Lion of Judah

I love the Lord so much. I just got a book from the Elijah List called "Transported by the Lion of Judah." It is a very good book and really shows the heart of the Father. If anyone gets a chance to read it, do so it is worth it.

I feel that God is doing something new in my life. He is giving me a desire to pray for others, but in that He is showing me how to empty myself out of myself and filling myself up with the Spirit. I am not sure how to explain it except I am like a conduit for Him. This is all something new because I really have a hard time praying for others with them. I am always afraid that I might say the wrong thing and hurt their relationship with the Father. To heavy for me to carry but lately I am not even thinking about what to pray for it just comes out and I watch in amazement at the work the Father is doing.

I have been trying to do soaking worship a lot and the ability to connect with Jesus is getting easier the more time I spend in His presence. Today I found myself driving down the road having this conversation with Him just like as if someone was in the car with me (well He was but not by the eyes of anyone ) I was asking Him questions and He was answering me. I want to know how He can love me when I am so stinky and when I don't spend the time with Him that I should. I ask Him all kinds of questions. I felt like a little kid that was saying "what's that" "why" "when are we going to get there". He just sat there answering my questions.

I don't know what it is like for a Groom to be excited about showing off his bride and getting her a new home to call her own, but I can guess what it is like to do those things for someone. I know I love to do things for my husband and I get excited when he comes home and the house is clean and there is a great meal on the table. I am sure that Jesus is very excited about the home He has ready for His bride ( that would be me and you ), exciting isn't it? I just pray that all my children and their children are as excited as I am. I always pray that they will have an agapeo love for the Lord. He has done eveything for them.

Well I hope I made some since today, God bless and see you later.

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