Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Dad's Excitement

My son just called and he was so excited that Kendra Lynn my little one year old grand daughter just said "I love you" for the first time. He called earlier today excited because she said I poo poo and had a dirty dipper. Oh the joys of parenthood. As I was listening to Nathan's excitement I thought about how God must feel the first time He hears us say "I love you" or "I poo poo" when we sin and He has to wipe us clean.
I am so blessed to have a Father God who loves me so much that He made a way for me to get clean before Him and to be privileged enough to say "I love you Daddy" and know that He loves me back. I bet He calls all the angles and tells them " guess what Cherylynn just said "I love you" to Me.
Kind of an exciting concept isn't it. It makes me think about Rahab a common prostitute and how excited God must have been when she turned her life over to Him, thanks to the spies being obedient to God. He was so excited that He made her part of His Sons family line.
Just a little thought for the day:
I believe that God is still going to the streets to find drug addicts, prostitutes, homeless, helpless people to show them the way to salvation. Without the spies, Rahab may never have known how to save herself. Who does God want you to share Him with? It could be a government official, prostitute, a banker,or a homeless teen. Be ready to tell others about Christ. God is preparing their heart right now to receive His message from you. I know for me, I don't want to miss a chance to be part of God's plan.

1 comment:

grandmalinda said...

That is just beautiful Cheryl!
Oh how He loves us...and oh how grateful I am.