You would think that since you love your husband or wife, which ever the case may be, that it would be easy to have patience with them. It talks about love being built on two pillars which are patience and kindness. I so want to be patient with my wonderful husband and also be kind to him. It is so easy to lose sight of that especially in today's fast pace life.
I have always just ran my mouth without thinking and I don't always get the facts straight. I don't know if I just half listen to things people tell me or that I am just to lazy to try to remember the facts straight or that I just don't care to be accurate. I know this makes Harold nuts and I have been to self centered to try to change. For instants if something cost $5.30 I round up and tell him it is $6. This has caused a real problem for us. Well if I am going to be patient and kind to Harold I am going to have to make some changes in the way in which I react and act. I will have to take time to think before I speak and not react but make a choice to act in a Godly way. This is very important to the Father. He gave me a precious gift when He allowed me to marry Harold and I need to treat it as such.
I am excited about becoming the kind of wife God has for me to be. It is not going to be easy but it is going to be worth it. It is kind of like cleaning house, it is not alway fun but in the end it is so well worth all the effort that I put into it.
Oh yeah, my little Kendra Lynn is walking now and it is so cute to see her walk all over. She looks like she has been riding a horse to long but I think that is because of still being in dippers. She is a little ham to when I am taking pictures of her.
She was in the store today and picked up the little doll she is holding and Nathan and Bobbi was trying to figure out how to get it away from her without a lot if crying and these two little old ladies were in line at the check stand and they ask if they could buy the doll for Kendra Lynn. Bobbi did not want to hurt their feelings so she let them buy the doll for Kendra Lynn even though she has so many toys now there is no where to put them all.
God bless and have a great day.
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