Saturday, August 15, 2009

Judas Iscariot's Fatal Mistake

My thoughts today turn to Judas Iscariot. I have always kind of felt sorry for him in a way, but today as I study the book of Luke it said that “then satan enter Judas”. I began to wonder how in the world could a disciple be demon possessed. Well go back to John 12: 1-6 and it talks about Mary pouring expensive oils on Jesus and Judas protested because he was a thief. Judas followed Jesus for many years without giving his heart to Jesus. This left Judas wide open for demon possession. The other disciples had times of weakened character, but the difference was their heart attitude towards Christ Jesus. In Luke 22:4 it tells how Judas went to the chief priests and discussed how he might betray Jesus. Who do you think really discussed how to betray Jesus “then satan entered Judas” your right satan. Satan methodically tries to get anyone he can to do his will. Eph 6: 11-12 tells us to put on the full armor of God so you can take up your stand against the devils schemes. We do not struggle against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the authorities, and against the powers of the dark world. What exposes darkness, you got it light. For your sake do not just sit in the chairs at church get involved with Christ on a personal level. We cannot just simply think we are okay because we rub shoulders with Christ Jesus. We need that personal love relationship with Jesus. He desires that and satan hates it but again darkness is exposed by light and if we are filled with the light of Christ, satan has no place to hide and will be exposed every time he comes near us. God bless and have a great day. I encourage everyone to get into the Word of God it is living and every time you pick it up God will reveal something new to you.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Thanks. I've often wondered about Judas Iscariot, too. Wondering how it could "be his fault" if he was destined to betray Jesus. Good insight on this.

Along the same order, but maybe a different direction, I'm reminded of Peter in Matt. 16:23, when Jesus said "Get thee behind me, Satan," when Peter was protesting about Jesus being crucified. The rest of that sentence says, "You are an offense to Me for you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men." NKJ

To me, that means that Peter had taken his eyes or mind off the will and Word of God, and was operating from his human or earthly mind. It expresses how God looks at it when we put our human wisdom and circumstances above what His Word says.

How often do we do that? Take our eyes off God, or our dependence on the Word to be the truth and the only way to live and walk, think and talk.